

Restored Blog Posts

I have recently added a bunch of old archived blog posts which were found amonst my backups. I’ve published them with their original date, but sadly a lot of the multimedia, links, and source code has been lost. Yes, the image is AI generated....

Python Write to XLSX

We have seen how to write a CSV file with Python after parsing an SQLite database. Now let’s cut out the middle man (CSV) and directly generate a .xlsx spreadsheet. Sadly, but understandably, Python doesn’t support reading/writing Excel spreadsheet files natively. We are going to have to rely on external libraries. To name a few external libraries that support Excel spreadsheets: This...

CSV – SQLite Extraction and Conversion

This is a follow-up post from Parsing CSV (siː ɛs viː) to show examples on how to write data with python into a CSV formatted file. There will be some references made to the previous post, so be sure to take a glance there first. Python and its CSV...

Parsing CSV (siː ɛs viː) and Avoiding Pitfalls

Comma Seperated Values (CSV) is a format used to store data within a file in the form of rows and columns for data exchange. This post is to show some of the nuances when dealing with CSV files. The principle is very simple, but let us define the components...

First post.

It has been a while since I created a blog post, or even maintained a blog. I hope to push this as part of a continual professional development....

Notepad++ new save dialog box

2015 07.21 Notepad++ new save dialog box Category: Uncategorized / Tags: no tag / Add Comment This has been bugging me for literally years; it’s the save dialog box for notepad++. The default one is not very nice… Now this is so much better! How To: TCHAR * FileDialog::doSaveDlg()... and simple partition analysis example

2015 03.11 and simple partition analysis example Category: Computer Forensic Investigation, Programming / Tags: no tag / Add Comment Today I made a python script that can extract the master boot record from devices connected to the computer. It’s not very great, but it’s an achievement for me....

Python Chat Client DevLog

2014 10.31 Python Chat Client DevLog Category: Uncategorized / Tags: no tag / Add Comment During the process of the networks and security module at university we have been given the push to work towards a single server, multi-client application where the server would hold all the logic, and...

Physical Components of the Hard Disk Drive

2014 10.25 Physical Components of the Hard Disk Drive Category: Uncategorized / Tags: no tag / Add Comment The hard disk drive provides a means of storing data persistently within a computer system; In computer forensics this would be called non-volatile memory. By abusing the techniques used to store...

Python port scanner

2014 10.14 Python port scanner Category: Programming / Tag: network, port, python, scanner, security, university / Add Comment While in university I am learning about network security. I’ve finally being forced to learn the python language, at least to a competent level. So here’s a simple port scanner that...